Journal and Major International Confference

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Multi-Layer Electrical Impedance Tomography Based Soft Tactile Skins

Paper Mechatronics

Wang, Y., Naritomi, D., Shigemune, H., & Thuruthel, T. G. (2024, April). Multi-Layer Electrical Impedance Tomography Based Soft Tactile Skins. In 2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) (pp. 1101-1106). IEEE.

Paper-based bistable origami gripper to make quadcopters multi-functional

Paper Mechatronics

Okamoto, S., Fukatsu, Y., Premachandra, C., & Shigemune, H. (2024). based bistable origami gripper to make quadcopters multi-functional. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.

Shape Sensing with Electrostatic Differential Capacitance for Ultrasound Imaging by Flex Array Transducer


Hojo, C., Kawagishi, H., Shigemune, H., & Tsumura, R. (2023). Shape Sensing with Electrostatic Differential Capacitance for Ultrasound Imaging by Flex Array Transducer. IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics(RoboSoft),April3-7.

Creation of origami-inspired honeycomb structure using self-folding paper

Paper Mechatronics

Naritomi, D., Hosoya, N., Ando, G., Maeda, S., & Shigemune, H. (2022). Creation of origami-inspired honeycomb structure using self-folding paper. Materials & Design223, 111146.

Soft-Skin Actuator Capable of Seawater Propulsion based on MagnetoHydroDynamics


Mutsuki, M., Kuwajima, Y., & Shigemune, H. (2022). Soft-Skin Actuator Capable of Seawater Propulsion based on MagnetoHydroDynamics. IEEE /RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems(IROS),Oct 23-27.

Low-Voltage Activation Based on Electrohydrodynamics in Positioning Systems for Untethered Robots

Electro Hydro Dynamics(EHD)

Abe, K., Seki, Y., Kuwajima, Y., Minaminosono, A., Maeda, S., & Shigemune, H. (2022). Low-Voltage Activation Based on Electrohydrodynamics in Positioning Systems for Untethered Robots. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics34(2), 351-360.

Development of Self-Folded Corrugated Structures Using Automatic Origami Technique by Inkjet Printing

Paper Mechatronics

Fukatsu, Y., & Shigemune, H. (2022). Development of Self‐Folded Corrugated Structures Using Automatic Origami Technique by Inkjet Printing. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2100260.

Electrochemical Dual Transducer for Fluidic Self-Sensing Actuation

Electro Hydro Dynamics(EHD)

Kuwajima, Y., Seki, Y., Yamada, Y., Awaki, S., Kamiyauchi, S., Wiranata, A., Okuno, Y., Shigemune, H., & Maeda, S. (2022). Electrochemical Dual Transducer for Fluidic Self-Sensing Actuation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

Superelasticity of a photo-actuating chiral salicylideneamine crystal


Taniguchi, T., Ishizaki, K., Takagi, D., Nishimura, K., Shigemune, H., Kuramochi, M., Sasaki, Yuji., Koshima, H., & Asahi, T. (2022). Superelasticity of a photo-actuating chiral salicylideneamine crystal. Communications Chemistry5(1), 1-10.

A DIY Fabrication Approach for Ultra-Thin Focus-Tunable Liquid Lens Using Electrohydrodynamic Pump

Electro Hydro Dynamics(EHD)

Murakami, T., Kuwajima, Y., Wiranata, A., Minaminosono, A., Shigemune, H., Mao, Z., & Maeda, S. (2021). A DIY Fabrication Approach for Ultra-Thin Focus-Tunable Liquid Lens Using Electrohydrodynamic Pump. Micromachines12(12), 1452.

Fabrication of Soft and Wearable Electrostatic Generator Based on Streaming Electrification


Kamiyauchi, S., Yokoyama, Y., Kuwajima, Y., Seki, Y., Awaki, S., Maeda, S., & Shigemune, H. (2021). Fabrication of Soft and Wearable Electrostatic Generator Based on Streaming Electrification. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2100131.

Wireless Electrohydrodynamic Actuators for Propulsion and Positioning of Miniaturized Floating Robots


Shigemune, H., Pradidarcheep, K., Kuwajima, Y., Seki, Y., Maeda, S., & Cacucciolo, V. (2021). Wireless Electrohydrodynamic Actuators for Propulsion and Positioning of Miniaturized Floating Robots. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2100004.

Four‐dimensional collision detection and behaviour based on the physics‐based calculation


Nakai, Y., Miwa, T., Shigemune, H., & Sawada, H. (2021). Four-dimensional collision detection and behaviour based on the physics-based calculation. Expert Systems,

Temperature and Humidity Dependence of Marangoni Convection and Its Effect on the Self-propulsion of an Oil Droplet

Self-propelled Droplet

Yamada, M., Shigemune, H., Maeda, S., & Yamada, M., Shigemune, H., Maeda, S., & Sawada, H. (2021). Temperature and Humidity Dependence of Marangoni Convection and Its Effect on the Self-propulsion of an Oil Droplet. Chemistry Letters50(3), 493-496.

Programming Stepwise Motility into a Sheet of Paper Using Inkjet Printing

Paper Mechatronics

Shigemune, H., Maeda, S., Iwase, E., Hashimoto, S., Sugano, S., & Sawada, H. Programming Stepwise Motility into a Sheet of Paper Using Inkjet Printing. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2000153.

Optimization of the Electrode Arrangement and Reliable Fabrication of Flexible EHD Pumps

Electro Hydro Dynamics(EHD)

Seki, Y., Kuwajima, Y., Shigemune, H., Yamada, Y., & Maeda, S. (2020). Optimization of the Electrode Arrangement and Reliable Fabrication of Flexible EHD Pumps. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics32(5), 939-946.

Self-Assembled 3D Actuator Using the Resilience of an Elastomeric Material

Dielectric Elastomer Actuators(DEA)

Hashimoto, N., Shigemune, H., Minaminosono, A., Maeda, S., & Sawada, H. (2020). Self-Assembled 3D Actuator Using the Resilience of an Elastomeric Material. Front. Robot. AI 6: 152. doi: 10.3389/frobt.

Directional and velocity control of active droplets using a rigid-frame

Self-propelled Droplet

Yamada, M., Shigemune, H., Maeda, S., & Sawada, H. (2019). Directional and velocity control of active droplets using a rigid-frame. RSC Advances9(69), 40523-40530.

A Deformable Motor Driven by Dielectric Elastomer Actuators and Flexible Mechanisms

Dielectric Elastomer Actuators(DEA)

Minaminosono, A., Shigemune, H., Okuno, Y., Katsumata, T., Hosoya, N., & Maeda, S. (2019). A deformable motor driven by dielectric elastomer actuators and flexible mechanisms. Frontiers in Robotics and AI6, 1.

A Tactile Sensor Usinga Shape-memory Alloy Wire During Vibration

Shape Memory Alloys(SMA)

Miyatoda, A., Shigemune, H., Miwa, T., & Sawada, H. (2019). A Tactile Sensor Usinga Shape-memory Alloy Wire During Vibration. C – Abstracts of IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics, 102(9), 241-248.

Dielectric Elastomer Actuators with Carbon Nanotube Electrodes Painted with a Soft Brush

Dielectric Elastomer Actuators(DEA)

Shigemune, H., Sugano, S., Nishitani, J., Yamauchi, M., Hosoya, N., Hashimoto, S., & Maeda, S. (2018, September). Dielectric elastomer actuators with carbon nanotube electrodes painted with a soft brush. In Actuators (Vol. 7, No. 3, p. 51).

Stretchable Suction Cup with Electroadhesion


Okuno, Y., Shigemune, H., Kuwajima, Y., & Maeda, S. (2019). Stretchable suction cup with electroadhesion. Advanced Materials Technologies4 (1), 1800304.

Printed paper robot driven by electrostatic actuator

Paper Mechatronics

Shigemune, H., Maeda, S., Cacucciolo, V., Iwata, Y., Iwase, E., Hashimoto, S., & Sugano, S. (2017). Printed paper robot driven by electrostatic actuator. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters2(2), 1001-1007.

Conduction Electrohydrodynamics with Mobile Electrodes: A Novel Actuation System for Untethered Robots

Electro Hydro Dynamics(EHD)

Cacucciolo, V., Shigemune, H., Cianchetti, M., Laschi, C., & Maeda, S. (2017). Conduction electrohydrodynamics with mobile electrodes: a novel actuation system for untethered robots. Advanced Science4(9), 1600495.

Electrohydrodynamic Conduction Pump with Asymmetrical Electrode Structures in the Micro-channels

Electro Hydro Dynamics(EHD)

Sato, T., Yamanishi, Y., Cacucciolo, V., Kuwajima, Y., Shigemune, H., Cianchetti, M., … & Maeda, S. (2017). Electrohydrodynamic conduction pump with asymmetrical electrode structures in the microchannels. Chemistry Letters46(7), 950-952.

Origami Robot: A Self-Folding Paper Robot With an Electrothermal Actuator Created by Printing

Paper Mechatronics

Shigemune, H., Maeda, S., Hara, Y., Hosoya, N., & Hashimoto, S. (2016). Origami robot: a self-folding paper robot with an electrothermal actuator created by printing. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics21(6), 2746-2754.